The Greatest Love Story: Cupid and Soul

EROS AND PSYCHE Cupid (Love) and Psyche (Soul) is a short story written in the second century and included in the book Metamorphoses. The lorefinds them overcoming all obstacles and leading to holy union. We encounter their story in many poems, short stories,such as in Boccaccio’s writing, in visual arts, as love and soul are the core of human existence. The difficulties they face are … Continue reading The Greatest Love Story: Cupid and Soul

THE BOND ISSUE has arrived!

THE BOND ISSUE has arrived! The Fall/Winter 2024 ISSUE is available to flip through online on our website here! The BOND ISSUE comes as an exploration and appreciation of everything in our universe, fashion and human connection that binds together to shape this unrelenting system of possibilities and interactions that we call life. In the pages of our Autumn-Winter issue we wish to inspire to … Continue reading THE BOND ISSUE has arrived!

COMING OUT Editorial – Submission

Inspired by Coming Out (1989) the first and last East German film about homosexual relationship. Features looks inspired by the blue pioneer scarf from GDR; flying Lenin from Good Bye, Lenin! (2003) that is, in turn, inspired by Landscape in the Mist (1988); symbolic GDR flag with the hole in the place of coat of arms and the famous neck piece from the queer night … Continue reading COMING OUT Editorial – Submission

Fairy Tales Unveiled: Tracing Their Origins

The ‘Fairy Tales Unveiled: Tracing Their Origins’ is one of our online ISSUE segments, head to ‘THE ONCE UPON A TIME ISSUE‘ for the complete experience and set of images. If asked to tell a fairy tale to a child, most people would be able to recite one like ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ or ‘Cinderella’ from memory. Fairy tales have played a major role in … Continue reading Fairy Tales Unveiled: Tracing Their Origins

Myth In The Work of Two Great Artists

The ‘MYTH IN THE WORK OF TWO GREAT ARTISTS’ is one of our online ISSUE segments, head to ‘THE ONCE UPON A TIME ISSUE‘ for the complete experience and set of images. Tribute to Dennis Scholl & David Benforado Article NEFELI PAPANASTASOPOULOU @NEPH.ELIE DENNIS SCHOLL Dennis Scholl grew up near Fulda. He studied from 2002 to 2007 at the Hamburg University of Fine Arts with … Continue reading Myth In The Work of Two Great Artists


The Winter 2023 LOAD Issue, THE ONCE UPON A TIME ISSUE, has arrived! Our seventh seasonal issue release is officially on our website. Access the online flip-through issue by clicking here. Warriors, princesses, trolls and dragons. A world full of imagination and innocent naivety. The tales we grew up with, the ones that shaped our perception of the possible and impossible, the ideals of right and … Continue reading THE ONCE UPON A TIME ISSUE has arrived!

Willem de Kooning and Sandro Botticelli Paint the Beauty and the Beast… but not really

The ‘Willem de Kooning and Sandro Botticelli paint the beauty and the beast but not really’ is one of our online ISSUE segments, head to ‘THE IRIS ISSUE’ for the complete editorial and set of images.  Both sides of art  Art alone is a subject full of debate as its value is based on subjective truths and not on objective ones. Many times we talk … Continue reading Willem de Kooning and Sandro Botticelli Paint the Beauty and the Beast… but not really