THE PAPARAZZI ISSUE has arrived! The Summer 2024 ISSUE is available to flip through online, scroll down for more.
LOAD paps have been called on this issue’s cover star, the Greek model, Terpsichore! This issue’s coverstory takes to the streets to follow Terpsi in her life and get an inside scoop on her daily activities this summer. THE PAPARAZZI ISSUE Cover Story takes on the aesthetic and habit of gossip magazines sharing the stars’ private lives especially in the summer months with paparazzi pictures flooding the pages of such publications. Our summer issue takes on this obsession to unveil the secrets of public figures and combines this culture with our editorial approach on a refreshing and playful editorial concept.
This story full of gossip and drama is lensed by Yiannis Spanos, creatively directed by Konstantinos Tsagkaris and Filippos Vogdanis. On the styling is the amazing Demi Bouki with makeup by Iris Leone. Alex Metaxoulis was in charge of the hair styling while Vera Zouka directed the movement in the project. We see Terpsi in a plethora of scenarios. Being caught with a new man, a car breaking down and our paps even peeped into her at home sun tanning session. What is the star up to? Get all the info and get to know Terpsi in this edition of LOAD Gossip!
You to step out the house and face the lights. For any celebrity is prey for the pap lens. The mass desire to know what goes on within the lives of those in the public eye, the rich and famous. LOAD gives you your summer gossip magazine to read on the beach or next to a pool. All the hottest trends and celebrity updates you will see this summer. We take you on a trip and transform the LOAD project into a destination where the paparazzi aesthetic and culture meets our editorial roots. Strive to see what hides behind the facade. Or is this obsession too much? How much do we really need to know? Would you en- joy being in the limelight? Take a stroll in the summer heat and look around. Are the cameras pointing at you? Or would that be a wishful delusion? The summer 2024 LOAD ISSUE – THE PAPARAZZI ISSUE comes to shake up the ideals surrounding paparazzi culture and celebrity privacy in a collection of paparazzi-inspired projects and concepts. Wanna see what’s tea? Turn the page, let’s goss!
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Flip through the pages of THE IRIS ISSUE below. (We suggest you read in full-screen mode for the full experience)
(might take a moment to load but trust us, all things LOADing are worth it)