The ‘‘THE PAPARAZZI – Cover Story’ is one of our online ISSUE segments, head to ‘PAPARAZZI ISSUE” for the complete experience and set of images.
LOAD paps have been called on this issue’s cover star, the Greek model, Terpsichore! This issue’s cover story takes to the streets to follow Terpsi in her life and get an inside scoop on her daily activities this summer. THE PAPARAZZI ISSUE Cover Story takes on the aesthetic and habit of gossip magazines sharing the stars’ private lives especially in the summer months with paparazzi pictures flooding the pages of such publications. Our summer issue takes on this obsession to unveil the secrets of public figures and combines this culture with our editorial approach on a refreshing and playful editorial concept.

This story full of gossip and drama is lensed by Yiannis Spanos, creatively directed by Konstantinos Tsagkaris and Filippos Vogdanis. On the styling is the amazing Demi Bouki with makeup by Iris Leone. Alex Metaxoulis was in charge of the hair styling while Vera Zouka directed the movement in the project. We see Terpsi in a plethora of scenarios. Being caught with a new man, a car breaking down and our paps even peeped into her at home sun tanning session. What is the star up to? Get all the info and get to know Terpsi in this edition of LOAD Gossip!
Terpsichore gave an exclusive interview to LOAD Magazine which can be found below.
The Interview
Who is Terpsichore?
“I thought Terpsichore was my alter ego, but not anymore. She’s myself—present, loud, and fearless. Maybe the original Terpsichore, the muse, needed her recantation on earth and chose me, haha.
I’m a model, performer, and 24/7 persona. Let’s say I’m trying a lot of stuff around art, but I don’t want to claim any title yet because I haven’t presented myself and the things I want to communicate in the way that I want. I’m taking my time and figuring it out still, but eventually, you will see something very soon.”

How has your journey in life made you the person you are now?
“Every year i would probably give a different answer to that question. Don’t worry I will not start trauma dumping haha just kidding
I think life it has it own way to show you things with in a very unexpected way. But the one thing that I can say is that when I was young and I was imagining myself I was kinda seeing my todays version I don’t know how but somehow I knew that I will be here and will somehow do all this amazing things that I’m doing. So yeah dreaming was always my weapon for every situation in my life. When you can find how you can dream all the people around you can intevine to that so kids keep dreaming for everything. I’m saying that cause my background will not always give me the chance to imagine things I will not go into details but it was pretty hard.
So my journey let’s say made me dreaming and putting effort for whatever I did I will still do in my life also I want to thank my bullies that gave me a hard time but the just created a super cunty doll ( in the making ) hahah .”

What’s Sirnxx and how did you come up with this concept?
“When I came back from London and experienced the party scene there, I realized that my hometown of Athens was missing something special. So, when I returned, I talked with my bestie, Thirdkiddo, and we both agreed that Athens needed hot, queer-friendly parties to build a creative community. That’s how we created Sirenix, a fashion rave party and club experience focused on having fun with your girlies, rocking fabulous outfits, and bringing the best vibes to the venue while embracing everyone.
Sirenix is unique because it’s the first “doll party” in Athens. We spotlight female lineups since there are so few female or queer female DJs in the city. We want to give up-and-coming girlies a chance to shine, all while fitting into the Sirenix vibe.
Our first event got a lot of love, and Athens welcomed us with open arms, for which I’m so thankful. Huge thanks to everyone who helped make this event a reality; without you, none of this would have been possible.”

Describe a moment that would be perfect to be captured by a paparazzi lense
“Picture this: Me at 18, entering a very luxurious car while my neighbors look on in shock, wondering how I ended up with a driver despite coming from an immigrant background—haha, I love Greeks. Then, heading straight to the airport for a first-class flight to Paris for my first international campaign with Givenchy Beauty.”
Does your gender expression and presentation affect your art and work?
“I guess when we talk about art and performance it doesn’t affect it somehow cause I can curate it however I want to be. But when it comes about modeling there the things are different. I had a rough transition from the typical tall boy to now present myself as a trans girl. Automatically agencies wasn’t anymore interesting to sign me up. They were afraid that they will not book me a job cause my height it’s a no no apparently in the runway 6’2 for a girl it’s to tall . So that’s why I’m focusing more to be a talent rather than a model.
Cause In that way people are gonna see me as Terpsichore and not just a model.”
Since it’s pride month, is there anything you believe the younger generation should hear?
“The world is mad. People always want to take a glimpse of your star. Help your trans sisters. Make dreams without taking advantage of the people around you, because apparently, this is happening a lot in many industries. Instead, create together, dream together, and first and foremost, be a kind person. IYKYK”

Since you’re part of the Greek ballroom scene, how hasballroom affected you as a person and your journey in life?
“Ballroom was a stepping stone to get out of my comfort zone. Expressing my persona “luxury” was always a dream of mine. Seeing myself grow in that space has given me the courage to put more effort and energy into it, thanks to my mentors, the trailblazers of the Greek ballroom scene, Trailblazing Mother Tila Kareola and Father Chraja Kareola. They were the first people who helped me transition into the persona I have in the ballroom today. I am also grateful to the rest of the House of Kareola for always reminding me of my worth.
I was so lucky to find ballroom in my late teens because it shaped my point of view on life, learning, respecting, and delivering. It is also the space that helped me start my transition journey as a woman. I see femininity in a very different way and embrace it without being scared of being perceived as very sexual or provocative. Additionally, it gave me the space to bring my persona into my daily life, so it’s a part of the reason I believe in it and always try to give back to it.”

Do you have a message you want to share about trans youth?
“Trans is beautiful and divine. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t compare your journey to others. However you imagine yourself, show it outwardly and express it in any form—through art, or anything else. People are always ready to judge you, but at the end of the day, you are your own judge. It’s you against the rest of the world. Fight, dream, and everything will somehow fall into place.”
Styling DEMI BOUKI @DEMI1026_
Movement Direction & Assistance Creative Direction VERA ZOUKA