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THE BOND – Cover Story
View the complete set of images of THE BOND cover story and full flip-through of THE BOND ISSUE online here In the latest cover story of LOAD Magazine, Eirini and Efi Kokkinou twin sisters take center stage in a captivating fashion editorial. This feature, brought to life by the lens of photographer Penny Karachaliou, is a striking exploration of sisterhood, individuality, and unity, seamlessly interwoven … Continue reading THE BOND – Cover Story
PAREIDOLIA – Beauty Editorial
View the complete set of images of the PAREIDOLIA story and full flip-through of THE BOND ISSUE online here We can all agree that the digital age has put beauty culture on steroids. Load is sparking a conversation on close interpersonal relationships, ones not bound by blood (or chance). Humans forge bonds and connect through shared experiences, fleeting dreams, or -inevitably- the weight of shared … Continue reading PAREIDOLIA – Beauty Editorial
CODE A – Fashion Editorial
In this exclusive interview, we sit down with The Legendary Overall Mother Noa Angels of Europe’s First Legendary Kiki House: The Legendary International Kiki House of Angels, a pioneering figure in Europe’s vibrant ballroom scene, and the Greek Chapter of the house as well. Since its inception in 2015, the Kiki House of Angels has become a beacon of artistic expression, empowerment, and community support … Continue reading CODE A – Fashion Editorial
THE BOND ISSUE has arrived!
THE BOND ISSUE has arrived! The Fall/Winter 2024 ISSUE is available to flip through online on our website here! The BOND ISSUE comes as an exploration and appreciation of everything in our universe, fashion and human connection that binds together to shape this unrelenting system of possibilities and interactions that we call life. In the pages of our Autumn-Winter issue we wish to inspire to … Continue reading THE BOND ISSUE has arrived!
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THE BOND – Cover Story
View the complete set of images of THE BOND cover story and full flip-through of THE BOND ISSUE online here In the latest cover story of LOAD Magazine, Eirini and Efi Kokkinou twin sisters take center stage in a captivating fashion editorial. This feature, brought to life by the lens of photographer Penny Karachaliou, is a striking exploration of sisterhood, individuality, and unity, seamlessly interwoven … Continue reading THE BOND – Cover Story
The Chemistry of Connection: How Chemical Bonds Mirror Human Relationships – Editorial
In the intricate world of fashion, where style often mirrors emotion and culture, we find ourselves drawn to the deeper meanings of connection. Just as chemistry builds the fabric of the physical world, so do human bonds create the texture of our lives. Water, diamonds, and the elusive methanium all possess chemical bonds that, when examined closely, reveal striking similarities to the way we as … Continue reading The Chemistry of Connection: How Chemical Bonds Mirror Human Relationships – Editorial
PAREIDOLIA – Beauty Editorial
View the complete set of images of the PAREIDOLIA story and full flip-through of THE BOND ISSUE online here We can all agree that the digital age has put beauty culture on steroids. Load is sparking a conversation on close interpersonal relationships, ones not bound by blood (or chance). Humans forge bonds and connect through shared experiences, fleeting dreams, or -inevitably- the weight of shared … Continue reading PAREIDOLIA – Beauty Editorial
Designer muse duos: fashion history in the making.
With demands for new collections arising multiple times each year, designers have to look everywhere and anywhere for inspiration. But the most timeless and personal source of inspiration is arguably the muse. A muse is the living embodiment of a designer’s vision and in that way muse, designer and brand are bonded for life. The Birkin It was the start of the 80s. Jane Birkin … Continue reading Designer muse duos: fashion history in the making.
Two of a Kind: Legendary Fashion Pairs
Fashion duos occur frequently in the industry since cooperation is what keeps the wheels turning in the fashion field. In the relentless drive for creativity, the most captivating ideas often emerge from the confluence of minds where partnership, whether born of friendship, romance, or professional collaboration, becomes the catalyst for groundbreaking design. From designer duos shaping entire luxury empires to the intricate relationships between muses … Continue reading Two of a Kind: Legendary Fashion Pairs
Meeting By Chance, Staying By Choice
Do you ever take a step back and think about how at some point in your life all your friends were strangers to you? How if you hadn’t gone to that bar on a Saturday night, or didn’t tap on that random girl’s shoulder to ask about the time, maybe you wouldn’t have found people you now consider your chosen family? It is hard to … Continue reading Meeting By Chance, Staying By Choice
The Greatest Love Story: Cupid and Soul
EROS AND PSYCHE Cupid (Love) and Psyche (Soul) is a short story written in the second century and included in the book Metamorphoses. The lorefinds them overcoming all obstacles and leading to holy union. We encounter their story in many poems, short stories,such as in Boccaccio’s writing, in visual arts, as love and soul are the core of human existence. The difficulties they face are … Continue reading The Greatest Love Story: Cupid and Soul
CODE A – Fashion Editorial
In this exclusive interview, we sit down with The Legendary Overall Mother Noa Angels of Europe’s First Legendary Kiki House: The Legendary International Kiki House of Angels, a pioneering figure in Europe’s vibrant ballroom scene, and the Greek Chapter of the house as well. Since its inception in 2015, the Kiki House of Angels has become a beacon of artistic expression, empowerment, and community support … Continue reading CODE A – Fashion Editorial
THE BOND ISSUE has arrived!
THE BOND ISSUE has arrived! The Fall/Winter 2024 ISSUE is available to flip through online on our website here! The BOND ISSUE comes as an exploration and appreciation of everything in our universe, fashion and human connection that binds together to shape this unrelenting system of possibilities and interactions that we call life. In the pages of our Autumn-Winter issue we wish to inspire to … Continue reading THE BOND ISSUE has arrived!
COMING OUT Editorial – Submission
Inspired by Coming Out (1989) the first and last East German film about homosexual relationship. Features looks inspired by the blue pioneer scarf from GDR; flying Lenin from Good Bye, Lenin! (2003) that is, in turn, inspired by Landscape in the Mist (1988); symbolic GDR flag with the hole in the place of coat of arms and the famous neck piece from the queer night … Continue reading COMING OUT Editorial – Submission
JONNI BOI X DARREN BLACK Editorial – Submission
Hat: @hat.n.spicy, Bra, chokers and bag: @alexjustspat, Top: @aliuznkopru, Skirt: @aliuznkopru Hat: @hat.n.spicy, Bra, bracelets, choker and bag: @alexjustspat, Dress: @aliuznkopru, Shoes: @pleasershoes Hat: @hat.n.spicy, Bra, bracelets and choker: @alexjustspat, Dress: @aliuznkopru, Shoes: @yisonghuang_ Helmet: @aidanreececawreyartist, Chokers: @weirdbrain_creation, Dress: @suneileen1, Skirt: @wegangyoung, Shoes: @pleasershoes Helmet: @aidanreececawreyartist, Top: @suneileen1, Bracelets: @alexjustspat, Skirt: @zjingdai_deni, Shoes: @pleasershoes Team: Styling & Creative Direction – Jonni Boi @jonni_boi_Photography – Darren … Continue reading JONNI BOI X DARREN BLACK Editorial – Submission
INCOGNITO – Fashion Editorial
In an era where celebrity recognition is both a blessing and a curse, the art of remaining incognito has evolved into a sophisticated fashion statement. From oversized sunglasses to head-covering balaclavas, the styling choices of today’s high-profile individuals reveal a deliberate blend of bold aesthetics and strategic anonymity. Continue reading INCOGNITO – Fashion Editorial
‘Caught Red-Handed’: Challenging a carefully curated identity. – Beauty Editorial
In an age plagued with anxiety, fear and uncertainty, celebrities embody a yearning for a glamorous, out of touch, irresistible lifestyle. LOAD has taken it upon themselves to capture juxtaposing images showcasing a series of glitzy and dazzling looks against a rather ordinary backdrop. Continue reading ‘Caught Red-Handed’: Challenging a carefully curated identity. – Beauty Editorial
Mykonos Summer Core – Arts & Culture Editorial
When you hear the word Mykonos a few things come to mind: parties, clubs, celebrities, drugs, but also beautiful beaches and the Aegean. They are all true. Mykonos has been one of the … Continue reading Mykonos Summer Core – Arts & Culture Editorial
Rave, Identity and Fashion – Fashion Editorial
Clubbing is now viewed as a quintessential part of youth culture. There is an undeniable sense of escapism and experimentation that comes with it that young people finding their place in the world are attracted to. Different generations, groups and cities… Continue reading Rave, Identity and Fashion – Fashion Editorial