THE BOND ISSUE has arrived! The Fall/Winter 2024 ISSUE is available to flip through online, scroll down for more.
A world built of bonds. Everything surrounding us is interlinked with ourselves and all other countless elements in the universe in its own unique way. Whether it be something as scientific as chemistry or as unpredictable as human relationships, bonds are what shape our existence and experiences. In the latest cover story of LOAD Magazine, Eirini and Efi Kokkinou twin sisters take center stage in a captivating fashion editorial. This feature, brought to life by the lens of photographer Penny Karachaliou, is a striking exploration of sisterhood, individuality, and unity, seamlessly interwoven with bold fashion statements.
At the end of the day, the people we choose to spend our lifetime with can be considered the H to our O. Water is considered the most important indicator of life and similarly our human experience, well being and development is dependent on the people that we bond with. LOAD has cherished the bonds we have formed with all of you, the readers, but also with all the creatives we have collaborated with. The BOND ISSUE comes as an exploration and appreciation of everything in our universe, fashion and human connection that binds together to shape this unrelenting system of possibilities and interactions that we call life.
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Flip through the pages of THE IRIS ISSUE below. (We suggest you read in full-screen mode for the full experience)
(might take a moment to load but trust us, all things LOADing are worth it)