The Greatest Love Story: Cupid and Soul


Cupid (Love) and Psyche (Soul) is a short story written in the second century and included in the book Metamorphoses. The lorefinds them overcoming all obstacles and leading to holy union. We encounter their story in many poems, short stories,such as in Boccaccio’s writing, in visual arts, as love and soul are the core of human existence. The difficulties they face are repeated: the breach of trust, the wanderings and the trials, issues that concern the soul of man when he falls in love come into relation with the metaphysical in this story, with the soul conversing with the underworld. After all Cupid and Psyche are reunited and their eternal union comes, a union that each of us awaits.

You and I were like the ocean and the waves, like this story. Yesterday was one of the times Cupid and Soul – that died – separated. Eros for me was you and Eros for me was the happily ever after – I hope to come.


The eternal union that happened with their marriage/ which is not the event that the modern man has in mind,but a holly meeting as the author explains.. Far from puritanism and commonplaces, this marriage means eternal love and desire. We find Cupid and Psyche as themes in dance, in Debussy, in Moliere’s theater, in Ovid, in opera and cinema, in the sculpture of Canova that enchants us, in the paintings of Van Dyck, Goya and Munch.


Romeo and Juliet carry out such a relationship that gives birth to pleasure.In their story we see the symbols of Venus, the great gods, the kings who try to stop them and it seems that Cupid and Psychecan only stay alive by performing this dance with fate and challenges. Only when this whole sea stretches out in front of them like a wall and the waves try to destroy them, only then, to prove their power to exist, do they stay alive.

Always we said forever – that will be forever. These times people are not so good to this “forever”. These times people can’t imagine a love like that – me – not only I imagine that – but I had it there. It was there like a true rose – that sometimes killed me so hard.

There was a list – a list from the supermarket for people that are separated from their love:…

Their reality is only their eternal resistance to time, this separates them from all others, the mortals, the poor and miserable human beings who did not bring love and the soul within them, who did not reach the highest, the only one who defeated death. Of all those whose days are empty, who confess no story like this of their love and soul. Psyche was tortured tremendously when deciding but she did.

Not at all momentarily t, she chose her love, after their punishment. Despite the great trials that would follow and the hardships that Psyche would face, despite the sleep that would try to take her, Cupid and Psyche manage to give birth to their fruit, pleasure.

This myth despite its metaphysics/includes gods, Aphrodite and Apollo, oracles, Zephyros, secret lovers, Domicasias, Panas, dead, and other angry gods, Dia, Hephaestus, Hermes, Demetrius, Hera, Mars, Persephone, Charon and Cerberus, the whole Olympus, is absolutely human and real. Love and the soul are here with us forever and ever, and not only in the book of Metamorphoses.






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a magazine


From the mythology of Cupid and Psyche we indulge intoday, the myth of their sculpture. The allegorical meanings are many, with Cupid symbolizing the body, attraction, pleasure and the Psyche symbolizing the human condition, a part of the mind that does not obey logic. Canova carves and brings before our eyes not only a story but the absolute and real passion of man when he experiences this situation. It absolutely moves us.

Cupid and Psyche is the greatest love story in Greek mythology. 

So we can eat. Even though our love ate us forever.

The most intriguing thing is the double meaning of this myth. The psychological and symbolic meaning of the myth, with Psyche transforming Cupid into a more mature love with its feminine soft characteristics and Cupid obeying this transformation, has occupied many researchers to praise and explain through this phenomenon love and relationships.

Where is Electra? Do you remember that movie that Noewrote. LOVE

It was there – true and forever but it didn’t last. It ended.

The birth of pleasure from their union / their marriage / as the author writes, beyond a stereotype of our times, is the highest form of existence, to fall in love, to love, to desire and enjoy the objects of our desire. May our unions always give birth to pleasure and joy, even if this means that we have to travel the longest distances and swim the most dangerous seas. Man always lives for love.

And where is Electra?

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