The Founder’s Intro is one of our online ISSUE segments, head to THE BIG BANG ISSUE for a the complete message of our Founders
Below is an introductory message from the Founders of LOAD.

LOAD Project has become one, out of the list of short and long-term goals, I want to accomplish in my life. I have been a model for 3 years – my engagement and involvement in the industry has given me the oppor tunity to expand my knowledge and love for fashion. We created LOAD with so much love and admiration, to honour new designers, models, and creatives. It offers young people the chance to experience aesthetics that, until several years ago- were somewhat misunderstood. I hope LOAD provides you with the thrill and excitement you have been looking for in the fashion world!
Filippos Vogdanis – Co-Founder, Co-Editor in chief

Fashion is a conversation. LOAD is here to talk. The creation of this project gives me and all the creatives involved the ability to express our thoughts and concepts using the articles and editorials as our arguments. Our initiative gives voice to a lot of different approaches, which I believe is something interesting in itself. As a fashion enthusiast and model I have a true passion for the field of fashion and I am thrilled to harness it to produce content that showcases interesting, new and exciting aesthetics. LOAD aims to combine captivating imagery while offering readers with prisms of knowledge, history and culture. I see true value in this mix as I always chase creativity and knowledge for myself and I can’t wait to share it with everyone.
Konstantinos Tsagkaris – Co-Founder, Co-Editor in chief
Visit the ISSUE for the complete editorial and images