Reclamation – a cinematic fashion editorial in Milan by Shane Reynolds
The cobblestone streets of Milano are no match for our outing upon this April night. These photos are a celebration of many things, but it comes down to mainly three important ones being; sexuality, community, and of course, fashion. After a week of exploring the city with my dear friend Giulia, (the peroxide blonde pictured), we organized somewhat of a chaotic collaboration for my last night in Milan. Crowded into a hotel room full of corsets, leather pieces, 80’s suits, and models smoking rolled cigarettes out the suite window, the energy could be described as a “holy mess”. The suite was full to the brim with of course the creative team for the shoot as well as other creative individuals I met upon arriving including fashion students, designers, and another photographer who shoots strictly on film, Luca.
Throughout the night we all drank wine, listened to music, and explored the city on somewhat of an artistic mission. This is a group of nearly all queer identifying individuals of whom I became introduced to mainly through Giulia throughout my stay in this amazing city. As I repeatedly loaded my camera with film, we shared stories of our upbringings and pasts. We discussed the various challenges we had faced which threatened to destroy our identities. Whether these oppositions were in the form of religion, family, or societal “norms”, there was mutual sense of camaraderie and respect in the air. Often as queer people, we feel the need to be “loud” after we have experienced years of being marginalized, ignored, and silenced. As we took on the city in a bold manner this night, some could call us “exhibitionists”. When we are together as a community, we feel we can be loud, proud, and unapologetically who we are. This is our “reclamation”.
Team Credits:
Photographer: Shane Reynolds @chainreynolds
Models: Giulia Zurlo @bbydickcheney , Francesco Racca @francesco.ra, Giacomo Mulazzani
@mulazzanigiacomo , and Alessio Medina @sonypicters
Makeup/Hair : Maria Cristina Bona @mariacristinabona
Photo Assistant: Luca Matarazzo @matarazzoluca
Style Credits:
Golden Bra – Zana Bayne @zanabayne, Heeled Black Boots – Namilia @namilia . Leopard/
Black Corset Top – Yoyo @yoyo_creates, Black Vinyl Pants – Fiorucci @fiorucci, Black Ankle
Cuff Heels – Pleaser @pleasershoes , Black Mesh Gloved Piece -vintage 80’s, Black Opera
Gloves- Miscreants @miscreantslondon, Crucifix choker – Raspberry Mazochyst
@raspberrymazochyst , Mens suits are vintage YSL and Prada. Leather Jacket – Imperial
Denim Jacket- Vintage
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